Sylvie Robert
Sylvie Robert is an independent consultant with 25 years of experience, specializing in Quality, Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) and Safeguarding, including all forms of sexual misconduct, and specifically Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA).
Sylvie’s field experience NGOs, the UN and RC/RC since 1992 is with complex emergencies in the Balkans, Eastern and Western Africa, the Great Lakes of Africa, Central America, MENA and South Asia, as well as in development contexts, with specific work on the links between emergency and development.
Sylvie designs, facilitates and coaches processes (strategies, M&E, reviews, safeguarding strategies and AAP frameworks, etc.), learning events (trainings, trainings of trainers, trainings of mentors, lessons learned, etc.), and tools (road maps, agendas, training materials, guidelines, etc.).
Sylvie works primarily with field practitioners to identify lessons from the implementation, learn from those and stimulate change, specifically in complex environments. She is able to work in English, French and Spanish and adapts easily to specific cultural contexts and live translation as needed.