Nik Rilkoff
- English
- Core Humanitarian Standard
Nik Rilkoff is an NGO management professional and trainer with a passion for humanitarian accountability. Her field experience in complex humanitarian contexts started in 1999 in Bougainville (Papua New Guinea) and has ranged from Sri Lanka to Afghanistan to Darfur/Sudan. Her work in development contexts includes a decade working in East and Southern Africa, in NGO management and mentoring, most recently specialising in fund raising, project design and support for effective partnerships.
While working for DanChurchAid (DCA), Nik managed “Listen Learn Act” (LLA), a pilot implemented in partnership with Save the Children Denmark and Ground Truth Solutions and in collaboration with Sphere. LLA was built around the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS), exploring quality and accountability in practice by seeking input from affected communities and helping NGOs course-correct based on that feedback. A significant component of LLA for Nik was training over 200 staff from 150 humanitarian organisations in this exciting people-centred approach.
Nik is an accomplished and versatile trainer in a variety of subjects including field security management, fundraising strategies, contract management and writing proposals. She is a CHS Alliance approved trainer on the Core Humanitarian Standard and has also passed the HQAI (Humanitarian Quality Assurance Initiative)auditor training course (on the CHS) and looks forward to participating in her first audit.