Aungkie Sopinpornraksa
- English
- Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse / Investigation
Aungkie has a BA Business – Personnel Management (1977) from Assumption University, and a MM from Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration, Chulalongkorn University (programme under auspices of Northwestern, Pennsylvania and Chulalongkorn Universities) (1988). Aungkie attended many training/workshops of World Vision International and ToT for investigating allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse from Building Safer Organisations/International Council of Voluntary Agencies. Aungkie has a long experience with both profit and non-profit international organisations, especially in the field of human resources, and office administration. She has senior management experience, and has co-facilitated training on investigations at different levels. She represented two organisations to investigate four allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse by humanitarian workers. She always enhances and provides good support to the NGO HR Networking to develop good services to their staff and organisations.