Aninia Nadig
- English
- French
- Spanish
- Dutch
- German
- Core Humanitarian Standard
Aninia is an independent consultant specialising in humanitarian evaluations and audits. She is a certified adult trainer and provides trainings for Sphere and the CHS, including ToTs.
She adapts standards content, be that through updating existing standards or contextualising them to national or organisational level. She has experience managing complex and drawn-out multi-stakeholder processes, such as revisions for humanitarian standards (Sphere and CHS). For all aspects of her work, she has developed a strong focus on working in support of affected people and communities.
She has over 20 years’ experience in the fields of forced migration, refugee and IDP protection and humanitarian response. Her background is in forced migration studies and European asylum policy work. She later focused on internal displacement analysis, followed by now almost 15 years of humanitarian standards work with Sphere and CHS Alliance, and as senior auditor for HQAI (certification body of humanitarian organisations). She has strong writing skills and is fluent in English, French, Spanish, Dutch and German.