440+ organisations worldwide show their commitment to the CHS!
Sign up to commit to integrating the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) commitments in your work, and be part of building a more equitable and accountable aid system.
This statement is a stand-alone commitment to the updated CHS. All organisations working to support people affected by crises and in situations of vulnerability are encouraged to become signatories.
Statement of Commitment to the CHS
An accountable system of assistance, where influence and decision-making power are in the hands of people affected by crisis, is central to alleviating human suffering, restoring dignity, and ensuring timely, relevant and effective aid.
The globally recognised Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) sets out nine commitments to ensure that organisations support people and communities affected by crisis and vulnerability in ways that respect their rights and dignity.
As an organisation working to alleviate human suffering, we recognise the CHS as a standard that promotes equitable, inclusive and collaborative relations between people and communities with those working to support them.
The nine commitments describe what people and communities in situations of crisis and vulnerability can expect from those that support them. We commit to integrating the CHS commitments in our work as they are core to a more equitable and accountable aid system.
People and communities:
- Can exercise their rights and participate in actions and decisions that affect them.
- Access timely and effective support in accordance with their specific needs and priorities.
- Are better prepared and more resilient to potential crises.
- Access support that does not cause harm to people or the environment
- Can safely report concerns and complaints and get them addressed.
- Access coordinated and complementary support.
- Access support that is continually adapted and improved based on feedback and learning.
- Interact with staff and volunteers that are respectful, competent, and well-managed.
- Can expect that resources are managed ethically and responsibly.
We encourage all actors supporting people affected by crisis to honour the CHS nine commitments. We stand ready to support our partners, donors and relevant authorities to apply the CHS in our collective work to make aid more accountable.
Signatories to the Statement of Commitment to the CHS
The following organisations have signed up to commit to integrating the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) commitments in their work and are part of building a more equitable and accountable aid system.
Organisation | Location | Website |
ABAAD – Resource Center for Gender Equality | Lebanon | www.abaadmena.org/ |
Abraham’s Children Foundation | Nigeria | www.acfngo.blogspot.com/ |
Abs Development Organization for woman and child | Yemen | www.absyemen.org/ |
Access Bangladesh Foundation | Bangladesh | www.accessbangladesh.org/ |
Acción Contra el Hambre | Spain | www.accioncontraelhambre.org |
ACPDH Burundi | Burundi | www.acpdh-bi.org |
ACROSS | South Sudan | www.across-ssd.org |
ACT Alliance | Switzerland | www.actalliance.org |
Act Church of Sweden | Sweden | www.svenskakyrkan.se |
Action 24 | Zimbabwe | www.action24regional.org |
Action Against Hunger UK | United Kingdom | www.actionagainsthunger.org.uk |
ActionAid International | South Africa | www.actionaid.org |
Action Education | France | www.action-education.org |
Action for Development Organisation | Cambodia | www.afd-cambodia.org |
Action for Humanity | United Kingdom | www.actionforhumanity.org |
Action Intercooperation Madagascar | Madagascar | www.aim.co.mg |
Action pour le Développement dans nos Milieux au Kivu, ADM Kivu | Congo, Democratic Republic | |
Actions Communautaires pour le Développement et la Cohésion Sociale | Congo, Democratic Republic | www.c4-actions.org |
Adamawa Initiative for Underprivileged Empowerment (ADIFUE) | Nigeria | www.adifuempowerment.org.ng |
Adventist Development and Relief Agency Denmark | Denmark | www.adra.dk |
Adventist Development and Relief Agency International | United States | www.adra.org |
AESIR Institute | Hong Kong | www.aesir.hk |
AFPDE | Congo, Democratic Republic | www.afpde.org |
African Children and Youth Development Network | Liberia | |
Africa Development Aid | South Sudan | www.adadevelopment.org |
African Lakes Initiative | South Africa | |
African Relief Development initiative | Somalia | |
Afro Ethiopia Integrated Development | Ethiopia | https://www.aeid.org.et |
Agence d’Aide à la Coopération Technique Et au Développement | France | www.acted.org/en |
Agence D’Intervention et D’Action Communautaire | Cameroon | www.agenceaiac.e-monsite.com |
Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief and Development | Afghanistan | www.acbar.org |
Aghanib Consulting | Mali | https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61562939530382&mibextid=LQQJ4d |
Ahta Organization | Kenya | |
Aiming Change for Tomorrow | Pakistan | www.act-international.org |
Alind Organization for Youth Democratization | Iraq | www.orgalind.blogspot.com/ |
All Girls Foundation for Development (AGF) | Yemen | www.allgirls.org |
All India Disaster Mitigation Institute | India | www.southasiadisasters.net |
All We Can | United Kingdom | www.allwecan.org.uk |
Al Mehran Research & Development Foundation | Pakistan | www.almehran.org.pk |
Al-Sham Humanitarian Foundation | Turkey | www.ahf.ngo/ |
Al-Wahab Foundation | United Kingdom | http://alwahabfoundation.org/ |
Amel Association International | Lebanon | www.amelinternational.org |
Amref Health Africa | Ethiopia | amref.org |
Anglican Development Services (ADS) Kenya | Kenya | https://adskenya.org |
Amhara Women Association (AWA) | Ethiopia | |
Aparajeyo-Bangladesh | Bangladesh | www.aparajeyo.org |
ASHRAI | Bangladesh | https://ashrai.org.bd |
Association communautaire pour la promotion et la protection des droits de l’homme ACPDH | Burundi | |
Association de Jeunes pour le Développement Intégré-Kalundu | Congo, Democratic Republic | N/A |
Association des Sages Solidaires du Troisieme Age | Congo, Democratic Republic | |
Association for Gender Awareness & Human Empowerment | Pakistan | www.agahe.org.pk |
Association for the promotion of albino in cameroun APAC | Cameroon | |
Association Malienne pour la Promotion du Sahel | Mali | www.amapros.org |
Association malienne pour la Survie au Sahel | Mali | www.ong-amss.org |
Association Malienne Pour le Développement Rural | Mali | N/A |
Association Najdeh | Lebanon | www.association-najdeh.org/english |
Association of Persons with Hearing Loss APHEL | Uganda | |
Association Protestante de la Santé Mali | Mali | www.apsmmali.ml |
Australian Council for International Development | Australia | www.acfid.asn.au |
Australian Red Cross | Australia | www.redcross.org.au |
AVSI Foundation Uganda | Uganda | www.avsi.org |
AWO International | Germany | www.awointernational.de |
Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee | Bangladesh | www.brac.net |
Barnfonden Insamlingsstiftelsen | Sweden | www.barnfonden.se |
Barokupot Ganochetona Foundation -BGF | Bangladesh | N/A |
Bioforce Institute | France | www.institutbioforce.fr |
Brighter Communities Worldwide | Ireland | www.brightercommunities.org |
Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation | Sweden | https://www.bringhopefoundation.org |
British Red Cross | United Kingdom | www.redcross.org.uk |
Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation | United States | www.tzuchi.us |
Building Foundation For Development | Yemen | www.bfdyemen.org/en |
Bureau d’Informations, Formation, Echanges et Recherches pour le Développement | Congo, Democratic Republic | www.biferd.org |
CAASF | Congo, Democratic Republic | |
CADENA Foundation | United States | www.cadena.ngo |
Canadian Lutheran World Relief | Canada | www.clwr.org |
CARE International | United States | www.care-international.org |
CARE International USA | United States | www.care.org/about-us/ |
Caritas Catholic Diocese of Homa Bay | Kenya | www.caritashomabay.org |
Caritas Europa | Belgium | www.caritas.eu/ |
Caritas Internationalis | Holy See (Vatiacan City State) | www.caritas.va |
Caritas Maralal | Kenya | www.caritasmaralal.org |
Caritas Meru-Diocese of Meru | Kenya | www.caritasmeru.org |
Catholic Agency for Overseas Development | United Kingdom | www.cafod.org.uk |
Catholic Diocese of Marsabit | Kenya | www.caritasmarsabit.org |
Catholic Relief Services | United States | www.crs.org |
CBM Christoffel-Blindenmission Christian Blind Mission e.V. | Germany | www.cbm.org |
CBM Global Disability Inclusion | Netherlands | www.cbm-global.org |
CDRM&CDS | Indonesia | www.cdrmcds.org |
Center for Disaster Risk Management & Community Development Studies | Indonesia | www.cdrmcds.org |
Center of Concern | Ethiopia | http://www.cocethiopia.org |
Center for Natural Resource Studies | Bangladesh | http://www.cnrs.org.bd |
Center for Strategic Development Studies | Tunisia | |
Centre for Disability in Development | Bangladesh | www.cdd.org.bd |
Centre for Humanitarian Analytics | Zimbabwe | www.cha-africa.org |
Centre for Mental Health and Counselling | Nepal | www.cmcnepal.org.np |
Centre for Safety and Development | Netherlands | www.centreforsafety.org |
Centro Cristiano de Reflexión y Diálogo-Cuba | Cuba | www.ccrdcuba.org |
Cercle International pour la Promotion de la Création Bénin | Benin | www.cipcre.org/cipcrebenin |
Cesvi | Italy | www.cesvi.org |
ChildFund Korea | South Korea | www.childfund.or.kr |
Christian Aid | United Kingdom | www.christianaid.org.uk |
Christian Commission for Development in Bangladesh | Bangladesh | www.ccdb-bd.org |
Christian Relief and Development Organisation | Burkina Faso | www.credobf.org |
Christian World Service | New Zealand | www.cws.org.nz |
CHS Alliance | Switzerland | https://www.chsalliance.org/ |
Cinfo | Switzerland | www.cinfo.ch |
Citizens Organization for Advocacy and Resilience | Afghanistan | www.coar.org.af/en/ |
COAST Foundation | Bangladesh | www.coastbd.net |
Comhlámh | Ireland | www.comhlamh.org |
Community and Family Services International | Philippines | www.cfsi.ph |
Community Development Association (CDA) | Bangladesh | www.cdalpo.org |
Community Development Centre | Bangladesh | www.codec.org.bd |
Community Development Foundation | Pakistan | www.cdfsindh.org.pk |
Community World Service Asia | Pakistan | www.communityworldservice.asia |
Concern Worldwide | Ireland | www.concern.net |
Conofohd RDC | Congo, Democratic Republic | www.conafohd.org |
Consejo de Iglesias de Cuba | Cuba | http://www.consejodeiglesiasdecuba.org |
Corporación integral para el desarrollo comunitario Caminar | Colombia | https://corpocaminar.com |
DanChurchAid | Denmark | www.danchurchaid.org |
Danish People’s Aid – Dansk Folkejhjaelp | Denmark | www.folkehjaelp.dk |
Danish Refugee Council | Denmark | www.drc.ngo |
Data Expertise Conseil SARL | Niger | www.dataexpertise.org |
Department of Civil Protection | Zimbabwe | |
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Government of Australia | Australia | www.dfat.gov.au |
Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees | State of Palestine | https://dspr.org/ |
Development and Partnership in Action | Cambodia | www.dpacam.org |
Developmental Action without Borders (Naba’a) | Lebanon | www.nabaa-lb.org |
Development Expertise Center | Ethiopia | www.decethiopia.org |
Diakonia | Sweden | www.diakonia.se |
DIGNITY, Danish Institute Against Torture | Denmark | www.dignity.dk |
Digo Bikash Samaj | Nepal | www.dbskailali.org |
Direct Aid Society | Kuwait | www.direct-aid.org |
Disabled Child Foundation | Bangladesh | www.dcf.org.bd |
Disable Empowerment and Communication Center | Nepal | www.decn.org |
Disaster Management Office – Davao Episcopal Area of the United Methodist Church | Philippines | |
Disaster Risk Reduction Network Philippines | Philippines | www.drrnetphils.org |
Disasters Emergency Committee | United Kingdom | www.dec.org.uk |
Diya Social Foundation | India | www.diya-foundation.in |
Doaba Foundation | Pakistan | www.doabafoundation.com |
doctorSHARE | Indonesia | www.doctorshare.org |
Eco-Social Development Organization | Bangladesh | https://esdo.net.bd/what-we-do/ |
Ecumenical Association of Churches from Romania (AIDRom) | Romania | http://www.aidrom.ro |
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) | Ethiopia | https://esdethio.org |
Educo | Spain | www.educo.org |
Eglise du Christ au Congo/ECC/NK Département de Diaconie | Congo, Democratic Republic | www.eccnordkivu.org |
ELFA INTERNATIONAL | India | https://www.elfainternational.org |
Empowerment for Development | Ethiopia | https://empowermentfordev.org/ |
Ena Schweiz | Switzerland | https://ena-schweiz.ch/ |
Enjaz Foundation for Development | Yemen | https://enjazfoundation.org |
ERIKS Development Partner / Erikshjälpen | Sweden | www.eriksdevelopment.org/ |
eSheBee Foundation | Bangladesh | https://eshebee.com/foundation/ |
EvalYemen Organization for Development (EvalYemen) | Yemen | www.evalyemen.org |
Evangelical Fellowship of India Commission on Relief | India | www.eficor.org |
Experts for Development | Yemen | www.edoyemen.org |
Farmers Development Organization | Pakistan | www.fdopk.org |
Fast Rural Development Program | Pakistan | www.frdp.org.pk |
Fiji Council of Social Services | Fiji | www.facebook.com/FijiCOSS |
FilmAid Kenya | Kenya | www.filmaid.org/kenya |
Finn Church Aid | Finland | www.kirkonulkomaanapu.fi/en/ |
Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission | Finland | https://felm.org/ |
Finnish Refugee Council | Finland | www.refugeecouncil.fi |
Food for the Hungry Ethiopia | Ethiopia | |
FONAHD RDC | Congo, Democratic Republic | www.fonahdrdc.org |
Fondation Mérieux | France | www.fondation-merieux.org |
Force des fourmis | Congo, Democratic Republic | N/A |
Forum for Community Upliftment System Nepal | Nepal | http://www.focusnepal.org.np |
Forum for development Association | Bangladesh | www.ffda.org.bd |
Foundation for Rural Development | Pakistan | www.frd.org.pk |
Foundation Terre des hommes Lausanne | Switzerland | https://www.tdh.org/en |
ForAfrika | South Africa | www.forafrika.org |
Freed Kamaiya Women Development Forum | Nepal | www.fkwdf.org.np |
Friendship | Bangladesh | www.friendship.ngo/bangladesh/ |
Friends of the Disabled/Hospital & Rehabilitation Centre for Disabled Children | Nepal | www.hrdcnepal.org/ |
Future Focus Foundation | Sierra Leone | www.futurefocusfoundation-sl.org |
Future Social Development Association | Yemen | |
Gargaar Relief and Development Organization (GREDO) | Somalia | www.gredosom.org |
Garib Unnayan Sangstha | Bangladesh | www.gus.org.bd |
Gazze Destek Derneği | State of Palestine | www.gazzedestek.org |
GIFT | Nepal | www.giftnepal.org.np |
Global Refugee Initiatives | Uganda | www.griuganda.org |
Global Unnayan Seba Sangstha (GUSS) | Bangladesh | www.gussbd.org |
GOAL | Ireland | www.goalglobal.org |
GOPA-DERD | Syrian Arab Republic | www.gopaderd.org |
Ground Truth Solutions | Austria | www.groundtruthsolutions.org |
Groupe URD | France | www.urd.org |
Habitat for Humanity International | United States | www.habitat.org |
Health and Hope UK | United Kingdom | www.healthandhope.org/ |
Health and humanitarian organisation | Burkina Faso | www.hhoworld.org |
HEKS/EPER | Switzerland | www.heks.ch |
HELP | Bangladesh | www.helpcox.org |
HelpAge International | United Kingdom | www.helpage.org |
Helpcode | Italy | www.helpcode.org |
HIAS | United States | www.hias.org |
Himaya Daeem Aataa | Lebanon | www.associationhda.com |
Horn International Relief and Development Organization | Somalia | http://www.hirdo.org |
Hope Initiative for Women in Africa | Nigeria | www.hiwafrica.org |
HQAI | Switzerland | www.hqai.org |
Human Access for Partnership and Development (HUMAN ACCESS) | Yemen | www.humanaccess.org/ |
Human Appeal | United Kingdom | www.humanappeal.org.uk |
Human Initative | Indonesia | www.human-initative.org |
HUMANITARIAN AID INTERNATIONAL(HAI) | India | https://hai-india.org/ |
Humanitarian Leadership Academy | United Kingdom | www.humanitarianleadershipacademy.org |
Human Rights Awareness and Development Center | Nepal | www.humanitarianleadershipacademy.org/ |
humedica | Germany | www.humedica.org |
Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta | Hungary | www.maltai.hu |
H2H Network | Switzerland | www.h2hnetwork.org |
IBU Foundation | Indonesia | www.ibufoundation.or.id |
ICRI | Iran, Islamic Republic Of | www.icri-iran.com |
ICVA | Switzerland | www.icvanetwork.org |
IDEA | Pakistan | www.idea.org.pk |
IECAH | Spain | www.iecah.org |
IELCO | Colombia | www.ielco.org |
IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation | Turkey | www.ihh.org.tr/en |
IMDAT Relief and Development | Turkey | www.imdat.ngo/ |
Imdat Zardimlasma Dernegi | Turkey | www.imdat.ngo/ |
Independent Doctors Association | Turkey | www.ida-org.com/en/ |
Indonesian Society for Disaster Management | Indonesia | www.mpbi.info |
Infinite Sustainability Foundation for Development (ISF) | Yemen | https://is-fd.org/ |
Initiative for Development and Empowerment Axis | Pakistan | www.idea.org.pk |
Initiative for Poverty Alleviation and Community Empowerment | Sierra Leone | |
Integra Foundation | Slovakia | www.integra.sk/ |
Integral Alliance | United Kingdom | www.integralalliance.org |
Integrated Community Development Organization | Nepal | www.icdo.org.np |
InterAction | United States | https://www.interaction.org |
Internal Risk Management Group | Uganda | www.irmghub.org |
International Association for Refugees | United States | www.IAFR.org |
International Committee of the Red Cross | Myanmar | https://www.icrc.org/en |
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies | Switzerland | www.ifrc.org |
International Health Partners (IHP) | United Kingdom | www.ihpuk.org/ |
International Islamic Youth League | Sierra Leone | http://www.iiyl.org.uk |
International Media Support | Denmark | www.mediasupport.org |
International Medical Corps USA | United States | www.InternationalMedicalCorps.org |
International Rescue Committee | United States | www.rescue.org/ |
Islamic Relief Bangladesh | Bangladesh | N/A |
Islamic Relief Canada | Canada | https://www.islamicreliefcanada.org |
Islamic Relief Deutschland | Germany | www.islamicrelief.de |
Islamic Relief Sverige | Sweden | www.islamic-relief.se |
Islamic Relief Worldwide | United Kingdom | www.islamic-relief.org |
Japanese NGO Center for International Cooperation | Japan | www.janic.org |
JC ODUL Foundation | Uganda | |
Jesuit Refugee Service | Italy | www.jrs.net |
Jireh Doo Foundation | Nigeria | www.jirehdoo.org |
Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V. | Germany | www.thejohanniter.org |
Judy Organization for Relief and Development | Iraq | judy-ngo.org |
Jugantar Samaj Unnaya Sangstha | Bangladesh | http://www.jsusbd.org |
Justice Center Iraq | Iraq | www.justice-center-iraq.org |
KAALO Aid & Development | Somalia | http://www.kaalo.org/ |
Keeping Children Safe | United Kingdom | www.keepingchildrensafe.global |
Kerk in Actie | Netherlands | www.kerkinactie.nl |
Khaire Mandeghar Philanthropy Center (sustainable philanthropy cente) | Iran, Islamic Republic of | khairemandegar.com |
Kinder USA | United States | www.kinderusa.org |
Läkarmissionen | Sweden | www.lakarmissionen.se |
LASOONA Relief and Development Organisation | Pakistan | www.lasoona.org |
Liberia Network on the Right to Food (LINORF) | Liberia | |
Life Haven Center for Independent Living | Philippines | www.lifehaveninc.org |
LIFE Nepal | Nepal | www.lifenepal.org.np |
LM International | Sweden | https://www.lminternational.org |
Lodhran Pilot Project | Pakistan | www.lpp.org.pk |
Lutheran Community Welfare Society | Nepal | www.lcwsnepal.org/ |
Lutheran World Federation | Switzerland | www.lutheranworld.org |
Lutheran World Service India Trust | India | www.lwsit.org |
MADE | Nepal | www.madenepal.org |
Malaria Consortium | United Kingdom | www.malariaconsortium.org/ |
Malteser International (Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V.) | Germany | www.malteser-international.org |
Mavi Kalem | Turkey | www.mavikalem.org |
Medair | Switzerland | www.medair.org |
Medevac Frontline | United Kingdom | www.medevacfrontline.org |
Medical Aid For Palestinians | United Kingdom | www.map-uk.org |
Medical Teams International | United States | www.medicalteams.org |
Mercy Corps | United States | https://www.mercycorps.org/ |
Mercy-USA for Aid and Development | United States | https://mercyusa.org |
MERCY Malaysia | Malaysia | www.mercy.org.my |
Meremeta Community initiatives organisation | Tanzania | https://meremeta.rf.gd |
MFCD Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka | www.mfcdlanka.org |
Middle East Council of Churches | Lebanon | http://www.mecc.org |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark | Denmark | www.um.dk/en |
Mission Aviation Fellowship International | United Kingdom | www.mafint.org |
Muslim Aid | United Kingdom | www.muslimaid.org |
Muslim Hands | United Kingdom | www.muslimhands.org |
Nabd Development and Evolution Organization (NDEO) | Yemen | www.ndeoye.org |
National Environment & Equity Development Society | Nepal | www.needsnepal.org.np |
National Grassroots Disability Organization | Bangladesh | www.ngdo.bd.org |
National Integrated Development Association | Pakistan | www.nidapakistan.org |
National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal | Nepal | www.nset.org.np |
National Zakat Foundation | United Kingdom | www.nzf.org.uk |
Nazrul Smriti Sangsad | Bangladesh | http://www.nssngo.org |
Neda’s Foundation for Development | Yemen | www.nedafd.org |
Nepali Technical Assistance Group | Nepal | www.ntag.org.np |
New Millennium Women Empowerment Organization | Ethiopia | www.nmweo.org |
New World Hope Organization | Pakistan | www.newworldhope.org |
Nirengi Association | Turkey | www.nirengidernegi.org/en/homepage |
Nonviolent Peaceforce | Switzerland | www.nonviolentpeaceforce.org |
Nordisk Hjälp | Sweden | www.nordiskhjalp.com |
Norwegian Church Aid | Norway | www.nca.no |
Norwegian Refugee Council | Norway | www.nrc.no/ |
Nusaned | Lebanon | www.nusaned.org |
Oeuvre d’Orient | France | www.oeuvre-orient.fr |
Office Africain pour le Developpement et la Cooperation | Senegal | www.ofadec.org |
Office De Développement des Eglises Évangéliques du Burkina Faso | Burkina Faso | www.ode-burkina.org |
ONG Actions Pour le Développement des Initiatives Locales | Niger | www.ong-adli.org |
ONG APIS | Niger | www.apis-sahel.org |
ONG Groupe d’Action pour le Développement Rural et la Démocratie ONG GADER/D | Niger | |
Orange Organization | Turkey | www.orange.ngo |
Organisation de defense de l’Environnement et Developpement durable | Burundi | www.odeb.org |
Organisation pour la Protection de l’Environnement et la Nature | Congo, Democratic Republic | opendrcngo.org |
Organisation pour le Développement Durable, le Renforcement et l’Autopromotion des Structures communautaires (DEDRAS) | Benin | https://dedras-benin.org/a-propos/ |
Orphans Care Federation (Yetimleri Koruma Federasyonu) | Turkey | https://www.orphans.care/ |
OurLoop Stichting | Netherlands | www.talktoloop.org |
Oxfam International | United Kingdom | www.oxfam.org |
Pakistan Partnership Initiative (PPI) | Pakistan | www.ppicollaboration.org |
Pak Mission Society | Pakistan | www.pakmissionsociety.org |
Palestinian Vision Organization | State of Palestine | www.palvision.ps |
Partners in Revitalization and Building | Afghanistan | https://prb.org.af/ |
Partnership for Pastoralist Development Association | Ethiopia | www.papdaethiopia.org |
Path of Life Welfare Foundation | Pakistan | https://www.facebook.com/polwf?mibextid=ZbWKwL |
People In Need (Clovek v tisni) | Czech Republic | www.clovekvtisni.cz/en |
PEP Africa | Cameroon | www.pepafrica.org |
Plan International | United Kingdom | www.plan-international.org |
PMU InterLife | Sweden | www.pmu.se |
Polish Humanitarian Action | Poland | www.pah.org.pl |
PREDIKT | Indonesia | www.predikt.id |
Project Zero | United Kingdom | www.weareprojectzero.org |
ProLeap Development Group | United Kingdom | https://proleapgroup.com |
Public Awareness Campaign Nepal | Nepal | www.pacnepal.org/ |
Qatar Charity | Qatar | www.qcharity.org |
Queen Elissar for Sustainable Services | Lebanon | |
Quest for Growth and Development Foundation | Nigeria | |
Rashmi Human Development Organisation (RHDO) | Bangladesh | www.rhdo.org.bd |
Rastriya Mukta Haliya Samaj Federation | Nepal | www.freedhaliya.org |
READ Foundation | United Kingdom | www.readfoundation.org.uk |
Refugee Consortium of Kenya | Kenya | www.rckkenya.org |
Refugee Welfare Association | Cameroon | www.rewac.org |
Regional Psychosocial Support Initiative | Uganda | www.repssi.org |
Relief International | France | www.ri.org |
Renewal Foundation for sustainable Development (RFSD) | Yemen | www.renewalfsd.org |
Research-Aid Networks | United States | www.researchaidnetworks.org |
Research and Development Foundation | Pakistan | www.rdfoundation.org.pk |
Resource Development Foundation (RDF) | Bangladesh | www.rdfbd.org |
Rise Up Foundation Nepal (RUF-N) | Nepal | https://riseupfoundation.org.np/ |
Roles for Social Change Association | State of Palestine | www.adwar.ps |
Rural Community Development Society | Pakistan | www.rcdspk.org |
Rural Rehabilitation Association for Afghanistan | Afghanistan | http://www.rraa.org.af |
Rural Volunteers Centre | India | www.rvc.org |
SAACID Organization | Somalia | www.saacid.org |
Safe Road for Peace & Development | Yemen | https://srpdyemen.org |
Safetitude Labs | India | www.safetitude.org |
Safety N Us Trust | Zimbabwe | www.safetynus.org |
SAF/FJKM | Madagascar | www.saf-fjkm.org |
Sahei Gender Development initiative | Nigeria | www.sahei.org |
Sangtani Women Rural Development Organization (SWRDO) | Pakistan | https://sangtani.org.pk |
SAPPROS | Nepal | www.sappros.org.np |
Save Congo | Congo, Democratic Republic | www.savecongo.populus.org |
Save Somali Women and Children | Somalia | www.sswc-som.org |
Save the Children International | United Kingdom | www.savethechildren.net |
Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund | United Kingdom | www.sciaf.org.uk |
SEED Madagascar | United Kingdom | www.madagascar.co.uk |
Self Help Africa | Ireland | www.selfhelpafrica.org |
Serve Afghanistan | Afghanistan | https://www.serveafghanistan.org |
Service Chretien d’Haiti | Haiti | https://servicechretien.org/ |
Shafak Organisation | Turkey | www.shafak.org |
SHEBA MANAB KALLYAN KENDRA (SMKK) | Bangladesh | https://www.smkk.org |
ShelterBox | United Kingdom | www.shelterbox.org |
SHIFA Welfare Association | Pakistan | www.shifa-welfare-association-shifa1.webnode.com/ |
Siiqqee Women’s Development Association | Ethiopia | www.siiqqee.org |
SKT Welfare UK | United Kingdom | www.sktwelfare.org |
Social Action Bureau for Assistance in Welfare and Organizational Networking | Pakistan | www.sabawon.pk |
Social-Life & Agricultural Development Organization (SADO) | Somalia | https://www.sadosom.org |
Social Network for Justice and Development | Nepal | www.snjd.org.np |
Society for Bright Social Services (SBSS) | Bangladesh | http://www.brightsocial.org |
Society for Safe Environment and Welfare of Agrarians in Pakistan | Pakistan | www.ssewa-pak.org |
SOLIDARITE DEVELOPPEMENT INCLUSIF “SOLIDEV” | Burkina Faso | www.solidev-bf.org |
Solidarités International | France | https://www.solidarites.org/fr/ |
Solidar Suisse | Switzerland | https://solidar.ch/fr/ |
Somali Advocacy and Relief Organization | Somalia | www.sarosomalia.org.so |
Somali Disaster Management Agency | Somalia | www.sodma.gov.so |
SOS Children’s Villages International | Austria | www.sos-childrensvillages.org |
SOS Sahel Ethiopia | Ethiopia | www.sossahelethiopia.org |
Sphere | Switzerland | https://www.spherestandards.org/ |
Sphere India | India | www.sphereindia.org.in |
St. Ephrem Patriarchal Development Committee | Syrian Arab Republic | www.epdc-syria.org |
Stichting Cordaid | Netherlands | www.cordaid.org |
Stichting Red een Kind (Help a Child) | Netherlands | www.helpachild.org |
Stichting Vluchteling | Netherlands | www.vluchteling.nl |
Street Aid Initiative for Development | Nigeria | www.streetaid.orh |
Sukh Development Foundation | Pakistan | https://sdf.org.pk/ |
Sustainable Development Foundation | Yemen | www.sdf-yemen.org |
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency | Sweden | www.sida.se |
Swedish Mission Council | Sweden | www.missioncouncil.se |
Taakulo Somali Community | Somalia | www.taakulo.org |
Taawon (Welfare Association) | State of Palestine | www.taawon.org |
Tackle | United Kingdom | www.tackleafrica.org |
Takaful Al Sham | Turkey | takafulalsham.org |
Takulo Relief and Development Organization | Somalia | www.tardosom.org |
Talent Fusion LTD | United Kingdom | www.talentfusion.org |
Tamdeen Youth Foundation | Yemen | www.tamdeen-ye.org/ |
Tearfund Canada | Canada | www.tearfund.ca |
Tearfund Ireland | Ireland | www.tearfund.ie |
Tearfund UK | United Kingdom | www.tearfund.org |
Terre des Hommes Netherlands | Netherlands | www.terredeshommes.nl |
Tharu Women Upliftment Center | Nepal | www.tharuwomenupliftmentcenter.com |
The Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation | United States | www.csodfoundation.org |
The Lutheran World Federation | Switzerland | www.nepal.lutheranworld.org |
The Psychosocial Counseling Center for Women | State of Palestine | www.psccw.org |
The Salvation Army | United Kingdom | www.salvationarmy.org |
Titi Foundation | South Sudan | www.titifoundation.org |
Tomorrow’s Women Educational Development Organization (TWEDO) | Afghanistan | www.twedorg.com |
TPO Uganda | Uganda | www.tpoug.org |
Trócaire | Ireland | www.trocaire.ie |
Trust for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed | Bangladesh | www.crp-bangladesh.org/ |
TuPongoloki | Angola | www.tupongoloki.org/ |
Turkana Pastoralist Development Organization | Kenya | www.tupado.org |
Tutapona | Uganda | www.tutapona.com/ |
UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office | United Kingdom | www.gov.uk/fcdo |
Union pour la Promotion/Protection, la Défense des Droits Humains et de l’Environnement | Congo, Democratic Republic | https://www.upddhegl.org |
Unissons nous pour la Promotion des Batwa | Burundi | www.landcoalition.org |
United Nations Relief and Works Agency Spain | Spain | www.unrwa.es |
United Social Welfare Society | Pakistan | www.uswspk.org/ |
Universal Farmers Association, Inc. | Liberia | www.facebook.com/100054436152244/ |
Uwamito Consulting | Trinidad and Tobago | www.uwamito.com |
Viatores Christi | Ireland | www.vcvolunteers.ie |
Wajir South Development Association | Kenya | www.wasda.or.ke |
War Child Alliance | Netherlands | www.warchild.net/ |
War Child Holland | Netherlands | www.warchildholland.org |
War Child UK | United Kingdom | www.warchild.org.uk |
Welthungerhilfe | Germany | www.welthungerhilfe.de |
Wings Balance Initiative | Tanzania, United Republic of | www.wingsbalanceinitiative.co.tz |
Women Empowerment-Action | Ethiopia | www.we-actionethiopia.org |
Women’s Affairs Center Gaza | State of Palestine | www.wac.org.ps |
Women’s Aid Organisation | Malaysia | www.wao.org.my |
Women with Disabilities Development Foundation | Bangladesh | www.wddfbdonline.org |
World Jewish Relief | United Kingdom | www.worldjewishrelief.org |
World Relief | United States | www.worldrelief.org |
World Renew | Canada | www.worldrenew.ca/ |
World Vision International | United States | www.wvi.org |
YAKKUM Emergency Unit | Indonesia | www.yeu.or.id |
Yanabia AL-Khair Charity Foundation – YKF | Yemen | https://yanabia.org/ |
Y Care International | United Kingdom | www.ycareinternational.org/ |
Yemen AlKhair for Relief & Development Foundation | Yemen | www.yard-yemen.org/ |
Yemeni Response Council | Yemen | www.yemenirc.org |
Youth Assembly for Operations Empowering | Burundi | yaoeshop.wordpress.com |
Youth for Change and Social Life Development Foundation | Nigeria | www.yofcing.org |
Y4D Foundation | India | www.y4d.ngo |
Zimbabwe National Aassociation for Mental Health | Zimbabwe | www.zimnamh.org.zw |
ZOA | Netherlands | www.zoa-international.com |
Statement of Commitment to the CHS: Become a signatory
Any organisations wishing to strengthen how they meet the CHS commitments and build organisational capacity can still engage in CHS verification, with tools available to help track learning and progress. The statement of support does not carry any expectation to conduct a verification, it is a stand-alone commitment.