2018 CHS Alliance Annual Report

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    CHS Alliance
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The Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS), at times, seems to be everywhere. In the discussions on the Grand Bargain commitments, in relation to safeguarding in our sector, and to wider and critical efforts on the Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA); in the ways in which we measure the impact of humanitarian action and ascertain organisational strengths and weaknesses; in processes and systems relating to the hiring, training and protecting from harm our humanitarian staff.  The CHS is making its presence felt.

2018 was the year that the new Sphere handbook was launched, consolidating the position of the CHS as a core standard to support and complement other humanitarian standards. As anyone browsing this Annual Report will glean, the effort of the CHS Alliance – its members, partners, donors and its secretariat – has played an enormous role in the CHS becoming a central part of the humanitarian discourse on quality and accountability.