2023 CHS Alliance Annual Report

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2023 saw extraordinary interest in the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS), globally and locally. More agencies than ever are applying the CHS and verifying against its nine commitments; engagement with the CHS revision process exceeded expectations; membership of CHS Alliance continues to grow at pace. A greater number of local and national organisations than ever before are applying the CHS.

The process to update the CHS allowed CHS Alliance to listen to people affected by crisis and to understand their priorities throughout 2023. We were also able to hear more from local and national organisations, to learn how they are using the CHS. The perspectives and experiences of international organisations, governments and donors brought additional value. The result is a markedly strengthened CHS: more relevant, user-friendly and accessible.

The coordinated, collective action of CHS Alliance members in the application and verification of the CHS continues to drive change in the humanitarian and development work, creating a system and a culture that puts the needs and priorities of communities at the heart of action.

Here are our proudest accountability achievements for 2023:

2023 key achievements

CHS Alliance would like to thank its members, donors and partners, all of whom contributed to the advancement of accountability to affected people in 2023.

Read the full online report for more details:

You can also download a PDF copy of the full report, or key achievements: