Clearer CHS Alliance Statutes text approved by majority at General Assembly

21 November 2019

The CHS Alliance is pleased to announce the approval of several amendments to our Statutes at the 2019 General Assembly. These amendments increase the clarity of the Statutes text, enable the better functioning of the CHS Alliance Board, our General Assemblies and the CHS Alliance Secretariat. The Statutes’ revisions also ensure our Statutes and practices align well with each other.

All Statute amendments were passed through majority votes by eligible members on 20 November, at the 2019 CHS Alliance General Assembly in Bangkok. Each change was voted on a motion-by-motion basis, with eligible members able to vote in favour, against or abstain.

Changes approved

There were five motions passed. Here is a summary of the amendments and the changes they made:

  • Motion 1: Changed some articles of the Statutes to ensure consistency and clarity throughout the whole document.
  • Motion 2: Added requirements for both Full and Associate membership categories to ensure that all member organisations commit to the Core Humanitarian Standard and to Prohibit Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA).
  • Motion 3: Added text to clarify the running of physical and virtual General Assemblies, including the use of proxy voting.
  • Motion 4: Changed the method of electing the Vice-Chair to ensure the smooth functioning of the Board.
  • Motion 5: The minimum number of Board members is decreased to ensure the smooth functioning of the Board and avoid organising too many elections in case of Board members’ resignations.

The new Statutes are available here

If you are interested in more information about the CHS Alliance Statutes revision process, please contact