Meet our dedicated team

The team is guided by our organisational values and our code of conduct.

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Omolola Adewunmi

Omolola Adewunmi

Quality Assurance Manager, Geneva

Manages the CHS Self-Assessment Process and supports CHS Alliance members on their verification journeys

Vivian Arenas Vuilleumier

Vivian Arenas Vuilleumier

Membership Officer, Geneva

Supports processing membership applications, provides information to potential members/interested organisations, and liaising with existing ones.

Rosa Argent

Rosa Argent

Director of Communications and Network Engagement, Geneva

Leads the team responsible for membership engagement & development and strategic communication

Walter Brill

Walter Brill

Director of Programmes, Geneva

Leads the Programme Team & facilitates activities with a focus on accountability to affected populations, prevention of sexual exploitation and harassment, people management and organizational culture

Martina Broström

Martina Broström

Project Manager, Geneva

Leads CHS Alliance AAP work and manages the Project on Closing the Accountability Gap to Better Protect Survivors/Victims of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harrassment

Jordi Capdevila

Jordi Capdevila

Head of Quality Assurance, Barcelona

Responsible for leading the work of the CHS Verification Scheme

Sherena Corfield

Sherena Corfield

Communications and Advocacy Manager, London

Promotes and raises the profile of the CHS, and the CHS Alliance, with members, partners, media and those influential in the wider sector.

Geneviève Cyvoct

Geneviève Cyvoct

Training Lead, Geneva

Manages our CHS and PSEA training offer and planning, as well as training material

Tiheiys Tibebu Engeda

Tiheiys Tibebu Engeda

Ethiopia Liaison Officer

Responsible for community mobilisation and acts as CHS Alliance technical focal point for local partners on PSEAH and AAP issues in Ethiopia.

Balint Hudecz

Balint Hudecz

Web and Data Manager, London

Responsible for web, membership, and verification data

Charleen Kagan

Charleen Kagan

HR & Governance Manager, Geneva

Responsible overseeing human resources and managing governance-related aspects

Verity Lindley

Verity Lindley

Network Engagement Manager, Manchester

Responsible for building and maintaining strong, engaging relationships in the network and strengthening the CHS Alliance community, including supporting the Community of Practices and member events.

Syed Rashed Bin Jamal

Syed Rashed Bin Jamal

Bangladesh Project Officer

Responsible for community mobilisation and acts as CHS Alliance technical focal point for local partners on PSEAH and AAP issues in Bangladesh.

Rabia Malik

Rabia Malik

Finance Officer, Geneva

Manages accounting functions, invoice processing, payments, financial reporting, monthly closing, and audit preparation. Responds to internal and external financial queries

Bethan Montague-Brown

Bethan Montague-Brown

SEAH Investigation Programme Manager, Geneva

Manages the Investigation Project programme of activities including the Investigator Qualification Training Scheme (IQTS) and supporting CHSA members to access survivor/victim centred resources

Steven Parkinson

Steven Parkinson

Chief Operating Officer

Leads the team focused on strategic planning and operations, including finance, risk management, governance, human resources, IT and administration

Coline Rapneau

Coline Rapneau

Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH) Manager, Geneva

Manages the PSEAH programme and supports CHS Alliance members in their efforts to better prevent SEAH and respond effectively to it

Audrey Rudny

Audrey Rudny

Finance Manager, Geneva

Manages financial matters including accounting duties, monthly closing & reporting, preparation of financial statements and maintenance of the internal control system

Bonaventure Sokpoh

Bonaventure Sokpoh

Policy and Outreach Senior Advisor, Geneva

Leads on the localisation strategy development and implementation; strengthening NNGO membership within the Alliance

Tanya Wood

Tanya Wood

Executive Director, Geneva

Oversees the strategic direction of the organisation, working closely with our members, partners and the governance board to deliver on our overall objectives