Tamdeen Youth Foundation
TYF Vision: Stable and dignified societies in which everyone has their rights and contributes to recovery and sustainable development. TYF Mission: Immediate response and creative mechanisms for growth, sustainability and positive change in peopleʻs lives. TYF Strategic Directions: Mitigate the suffering of communities affected by conflicts, epidemics and disasters. Promote the role of youth and women in effective community participation. Promote recovery and socio-economic resilience. TYF Added Values: Accessibility to stakeholders in all areas of Yemen. Sufficient knowledge of the sensitivity of situations, interventions and types of needs of Yemeni society. Standing equal with all decision-makers and stakeholders in Yemen.
TYF seeks to support socio-economic interventions to create and secure adequate livelihood opportunities for members of society, and enable them to thrive, grow and participate in making immediate and long-term change, allowing everyone to live in peace and competence. From the premise that recovery and development are integrated in their socio-economic dimensions, TYF launched its Strategic Plan 2021-2023, covering broader development areas, targeting a larger segment of society and building on the alignment of humanitarian response, development and peace. This strategy is the first step to transition from relief to development, ensuring the transition from financing for development to empowerment for development. This also will ensure that appropriate solutions are found to the challenges and risks that impede the effective participation of society, with a view to reducing its needs and enhancing its resilience to better respond to crises, thereby contributing to the achievement of s
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