Stichting Cordaid
Cordaid is an internationally operating value-based emergency relief and development organisation, working in and on fragility. We stand with those who are hit hardest by poverty and conflict. We support them in their struggle to move beyond survival and to fully participate in equitable and resilient societies. More than 1.6 billion people live in fragile and conflict-affected settings. 80 million people are forcibly displaced. They search for safety and freedom, shelter, a doctor when needed, an income, and food. Their quest is universal: to live in dignity. Cordaid does not accept this world of inequality and exclusion. We believe a world where everyone can live life in dignity is possible. Where people can break through barriers of poverty and exclusion, and influence decisions that affect them. A world with an economy not driven by greed and growth, but by inclusivity, social justice, and gender equality. That world is our goal. We work towards it in everything we do.
We address the causes of fragility. By supporting local communities, service providers, and frontline aid workers in creating food security, offering healthcare and education, assuring security and justice, and promoting gender equality. We empower people economically, facilitate job creation, and foster inclusive economic growth. We do this by fostering local ownership wherever we work, and by collaborating as much as possible with local organisations, governments, and the private sector. Localising humanitarian assistance and development cooperation – by giving prominence and funding to local responders and professionals – increases the efficiency of interventions and counters power imbalances within the development sector. Where disasters strike, we also offer humanitarian assistance (HA). We try to combine the longer-term improvement of health care systems, food security, economic opportunities and disaster resilience, and the promotion of security and justice with life-saving
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