Sphere India
VISION: Sphere India envisions a Disaster Resilient India with an effective and efficient Disaster Management System accountable to affected and at-risk population to protect, assist and enable crisis affected people to rebuild their lives with dignity. MISSION: Enhance the collaborative accountability of humanitarian and DRR actors in India to affected populations by developing systems for effective and efficient humanitarian and DRR coordination, predictable humanitarian finance, appropriate policy, knowledge and capacity sharing.
Sphere India is a National Coalition of Humanitarian, Development and Resilience Actors in India. The strategic outreach of 155 full members includes key nodal organizations from UN, INGOs, National NGOs, CSR , Academic Institutions, Sector Networks, Expert Individuals, and State IAGs/Networks. The local outreach is evolving with 805 associate members as Sphere India Locally Empowered Organisations Network (LEON) and 1,80,000 community volunteers (CDRF -Community Disaster Response Force) mapped for varied capacities all over India. Sphere India facilitates multi stakeholder coordination, knowledge & capacity sharing and collaborative advocacy for enhancing accountability to affected and at-risk population.
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