Save Somali Women and Children
Save Somali Women and Children (SSWC) is a registered non-government and non-profit civil society organization based in Mogadishu with offices in South and Central Somalia. SSWC was founded in 1992 in Mogadishu by a group of Somali women intellectuals from cross-section of the community. SSWC core brand is the empowerment of vulnerable Somali women to regain dignity. SSWC contributes to the creation of a safe and sustainable situation by supporting women to overcome marginalization, violence and poverty in their communities. We work in the belief that women through their own efforts and in collaboration with local, national and international allies are central to transforming their own lives and the lives of their communities and population of which they are part. Vision: To establish a supportive environment where women and children can realize their full potentials. Mission: To empower women and children access basic needs through tailored programs.
SSWC works with IDPs, host communities and other vulnerable people across Somalia to provide: • Protection- comprehensive GBV services, legal aid, Psychosocial services and referral pathways. • Shelter • Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) • Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)- clean water and hygiene promotion • Livelihood and Food Security- livelihood skills training such as tailoring, salon, computer literacy, entrepreneurship. • Inclusive governance, peacebuilding and gender empowerment
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