Sahei Gender Development initiative
To alleviate human suffering though provision of integrated and sustainable service delivery.
The Sanitation and Hygiene Education Initiative (SAHEI) is a Nigerian non-religious, non-governmental, non-political, non-discriminatory, and not-for-profit organization incorporated with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in November 2014. It is an organization that facilitates, advocates, and raises awareness for access to improved services among vulnerable individuals. The organization specializes in the areas of WASH, Protection/GBV, Empowerment/livelihood, Waste Management, Health and Nutrition, climate change. The organization has experienced staff that are equipped with knowledge, skills, and experience in humanitarian response. The organization’s staff work all over the liberated LGA’s of Borno State. The organization was established with a goal to promote wellbeing of individuals and enhance sustainable development project to alleviate the suffering of conflict affected people and the vulnerable groups of people in Northeastern Nigeria. In pursuit of its mission, the Organ
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