Research and Development Foundation
RDF’s aim to innovate social solutions through action research and support building local institutions to sustain development at the grassroots level. RDF’s vision is: “Equitable and eco-friendly world”. Thus to move in the direction of its vision, the organization has set following mission: “Innovating social solutions and building social institutions”
•Improving access & quality of education in rural & semi urban areas to contribute towards poverty reduction & sustainable development •Improve livelihood conditions & household economic conditions through promoting agriculture & livestock management strategies, developing & enhancing skills for generating & diversifying primary & alternative employment; •Reduce environmental hazards, conserve bio-diversity & strengthen climate change adaptation; •Incubate organizational culture at community level by organizing them at common platforms for taking self help initiatives & building their capacities to function as viable social institutions; •To become a self-sustaining viable social research institution accessible to stakeholders for quality feedback & decision making solutions. •Promote rights of the vulnerable groups •Improve dignified access of the vulnerable communities to safe & sustainable water, sanitation & hygiene facilities •Respond to humanitarian needs in emergency
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