Relief International
Relief International delivers solutions to people in fragile settings. People’s needs in fragile settings fluctuate quickly and often. Relief International has the agility and expertise to design and deliver relief, recovery, and development solutions that meet their needs where they’re at. Relief International operates according to the “RI Way,” which sets out the guiding principles for designing and implementing all our projects. The guiding principles are: Local Participation; Partnership; Integrated Programs; and Civic Skills (to build a stronger and more participatory civil society in the countries in which we work).
Our work focuses on four key sectors: health and nutrition; education; economic opportunity; and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). Activities range from running a prosthetics clinic for Syrian refugees in Turkey to increasing girls’ access to education in Somalia to emergency cash assistance flood-affected communities in Iran. All the work we do in these areas is underpinned by protection measures that ensure groups with high vulnerability or special needs have access to critical services. Oftentimes, this means working with women and children, the elderly, displaced or conflict-affected persons.
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