Jireh Doo Foundation
Jireh Doo Foundation was founded in 2003 and became operational in the same year, JDF’s uniqueness lies in her interventions for poor and excluded communities including services to single women and their children, orphans, and vulnerable children with special considerations for those orphaned by HIV, Persons Living with HIV, displaced persons due to man-made or natural disaster/conflicts, Youth as well as advocating for favorable policies for these target groups. We make a particular effort to nurture partnerships with public institutions, non-governmental organizations, and agencies towards improving the lives of women, children, young people, and other marginalized populations through participation, service delivery, fundraising, capacity building, and networking amongst others in the achievement of sustainable development. Jireh Doo Foundation with 18 years of community implementation has consciously strived to reach the under-reached and vulnerable populations in Nigeria.
JDF is directly involved in the implementation of activities that impact directly on the most vulnerable irrespective of the thematic area. our activities are jointly designed using feedback from the people in need and in line with global standards. JDF implements activities in the following sectors 1. Protection (GBV and child protection) 2. Health (HIV and aids and child health) 3. Water sanitation and Hygiene 4. Nutrition 5. Food security and livelihood 6. Third party monitoring 7. Governance
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