Garib Unnayan Sangstha
To capacity building strengthening disaster preparedness at family, community and organizational level reducing loss of properties and sufferings during and after disasters and to cope with the situation with their resources. Create opportunities for education of the poor and drop out students specially girls improving education ratio for girls. Health awareness to use safe water and practicing safe hygiene and sanitation reducing diseases especially female diseases. To motivate for immunizing the children and vaccinating the pregnant protecting from many deadly diseases. Motivate for massive vegetable cultivating cultivation in homesteads and nutrition education and planting saplings of fruit, medicinal and wood trees at homestead and abandoned places. Awareness creation identifying local resources and to get its support for the development of the community people. To establish right of women on properties.
Vision: Worldwide religion is neutral To assist in establishing a gender balanced, poverty free, environment friendly social-economically developed society. As a result of climate change Maintaining the balance of the environment. Mission Anywhere in the world In any disaster In the midst of a disaster-stricken population Providing humanitarian assistance According to the Core Humanitarian Policy. The neglected poor people of the society With view to meeting basic needs Perform various works. the system of free society And elimination of discrimination between men and women. To assist in eradicating poverty from the underprivileged poor community. To motivate the poor people for rights and unite into a platform raising voice to get support from local Government bodies and Upazila and district level Government Offices for development. Ensuring the participation of beneficiaries in all activities. All Working with 100% transparency, accountability and value.
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