DIGNITY, Danish Institute Against Torture
DIGNITY’s purpose, according to its statutes, is to contribute to global abolition of torture and organised violence (TOV) through prevention of TOV, rehabilitation of TOV survivors and through illustration, documentation and information about TOV on a scientific basis. DIGNITY's vision is a world without torture DIGNITY's mission to be a leading global organisation within research-based prevention of torture and violence and rehabilitation of traumatized victims
In our programmes, we pursue two core objectives: (1) to prevent torture and other forms of extreme violence, and (2) to restore dignity and functioning of survivors through access to quality rehabilitation. Our prevention work encompasses advocacy with and capacity building of state actors to enhance policy and practice in accordance with the UN convention against torture. We work with community-based violence prevention and build capacity of CSOs to document and monitor gross human rights violations, engage with duty bearers and undertake public awareness raising. Our rehabilitation work includes capacity-building of public health authorities and CSOs to enhance access to mental health and psycho-social support for survivors of torture and violence. Via a trauma-informed approach, our work seeks to strengthen MHPSS coverage in low-resource settings with high mental health needs, and to strengthen referral pathways for victims with complex trauma.
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