Centre for Humanitarian Analytics
CHA’s mission is “Connecting data to decision-making and humanitarian action through Africa-adapted technologies, policy analysis and humanitarian standards”. CHA evolved out of the conviction that appropriate humanitarian response in Africa requires developing contextualised methods to understand and describe these different humanitarian emergencies, designing means to evaluate and assess the impact of humanitarian interventions, and preparing the next generation of engaged and effective humanitarian actors. Despite the existence of universal humanitarian standards, most Southern African countries do not, as yet, have well-coordinated and standardized inter-agency humanitarian actions which distil best practices into a set of voluntary principles that guide the on-going practice by humanitarian organizations and individuals. To date, CHA has run 95 joint Sphere training opportunities thereby training 1247 (562 females & 685 males) humanitarian actors in Southern Africa.
The Centre for Humanitarian Analytics (CHA) is a humanitarian organization head-quartered in Harare, Zimbabwe and implementing initiatives throughout Africa. We are a vibrant humanitarian actor driven to bring fresh thinking to interrogate the status quo of humanitarian architecture, preparedness and response in Africa. Our role as CHA is to ask and answer tough questions, provide practice-based evidence for transformative action and connect people, technology and ideas benchmarked by global humanitarian standards adopted to the local environment to be usable by humanitarian agencies, scholars, policymakers, Governments and others to foster interdisciplinary collaboration. To date, we have been active in Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Malawi and Namibia training humanitarian actors in Sphere and its companion Humanitarian Standards. Our profile, attached hereto, summarizes some of our achievements and outreach. Our CHA contact person, Wonder Mufunda, has been a Sphere Trainer since 2008.
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