AVSI Foundation Uganda
Vision: AVSI works for a world where every person, aware of her value and dignity, is the main protagonist of her own integral development and that of her community, even in crisis and emergency contexts. Mission: AVSI implements cooperation projects in various sectors with a preferential focus on education, meaning that the person is accompanied towards self-disc These are actualized through AVSI's method of working; starting from the value of the person, who is never defined by the circumstances in which s/he lives, considering the person always in his/her family and community context hence our household and or whole-community approaches, doing with: accompanying others and letting ourselves be accompanied, recognizing that we all share the same human experience with the other parties we work with, learning from experience and capitalizing on the lessons learned and involving all stakeholders: participation/beneficiaries, service providers, partners, donors, and the private sect
AVSI implements cooperation projects in various sectors both in the humanitarian and development contexts. The sectors include; Education - increasing access to education, both formal and informal through supporting learners with scholastic materials, paying tuition and remunerating teachers, working to improve the school 'environment' etc. This also includes accelerated education and early childhood development Protection -includes systems strengthening but also mainstreamed activities specific to child protection and gender based violence Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition - using models like the farmer field business schools and structured behavior change communication Health including disability and mental health Migration and Integration especially for urban migrants Economic empowerment and livelihoods using various approaches e.g. VSLA, financial literacy and SPM, business coaching, apprenticeship and business skilling etc. Climate Change, Energy and Environment
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