Amhara Women Association ( AWA)
Amhara Women's Association (AWA) is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-partisan, volunteer-based civic organization that was established in May 1998 through the right of organizing. AWA's membership includes women from various social strata within and outside the Amhara region, extending to different corners of the country with Bahir Dar as its base and head office. AWA’s Vision is to see a society that respects the rights of women and girls and its mission is Assist women’s motivation of participation and struggle towards equality in every aspect of life, so that they will be equally benefited from the fruits of their labor at the end. The organization operates with its own well-defined structure, and its activities are managed by the organizational framework, extending from the regional to the grassroots at the Kebele & Gote levels.
Here under are the major thematic areas where the AWA has been Advocacy and lobbying to issue policies, laws, and regulations in favor of, and amend or repeal those which are against women and girls right. Counseling and support to those women and girls having problems relating to violence, fistula, and other reproductive health complications Prevention of HTP and Child marriage on women and girls Combat harmful traditional practices/gender based violence, and HIV/AIDS.
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